Maestro Pizza is Saudi's pizza brand and founded in 2013 . Also it is still private business . Moreover Pizza Hut and Domino's Pizza founded in 1958 , 1960 (on the other hand they are in the market more than 50 year ) . But the interesting thing , Maestro Pizza beats Pizza Hut and Domino's Pizza by revenue/location and performance of employees .
By the numbers you will be surprised :
Brand Revenue Locations Revenue/Location Revenue per employee
Pizza Hut $6.7B 15K $450K $42K
Domino's Pizza $2.2B 13K $169K $8K
Maestro Pizza $100M 100 $1M $67K
What is the reason ? also what is your opinion ?
By the numbers you will be surprised :
Brand Revenue Locations Revenue/Location Revenue per employee
Pizza Hut $6.7B 15K $450K $42K
Domino's Pizza $2.2B 13K $169K $8K
Maestro Pizza $100M 100 $1M $67K
What is the reason ? also what is your opinion ?