Key Indicators about Saudi Arabia :
Global Competitiveness Rankings : 25 of 140
Population (millions) : 31.4 ( 65% are citizen and 35% are foreign | Young population with 47% under 25 years of age )
Internet Users (millions) : 20.1
Smartphone Users (millions) : 23
Students (millions) : 6.5
GDP (US$ billions) : 653.2
GDP (PPP) as share (%) of world total : 1.48
Market Size :
Finance and Banking (asset) : $587B
Real Estate : $347B
Real Estate : $347B
Infrastructure and Construction : $300B
Transport : $141B
Retail and wholesale trade : $99B
Housing : $67B
Education and Training : $56B
Petrochemicals : $45B
Information and communications technology : $32B
Healthcare and social development : $32B
Healthcare and social development : $32B
Tourism : $16B
Industrial equipment : $15B
Insurance : $11B
Jewelry and accessories : $8B
Beauty and personal care : $5.2B
Restaurants : $4.5B
Exhibitions and events : $2.6B
Car rental : $1.1B
Insurance : $11B
Jewelry and accessories : $8B
Beauty and personal care : $5.2B
Restaurants : $4.5B
Exhibitions and events : $2.6B
Car rental : $1.1B
Media and marketing : $1.1B
Media and marketing (Digital) : $88MPublic Sector :
Revenue 2016 : $141B ( 80% from oil , gas and petrochemicals , 20% from investment and fee )
Reserve 2016 : $169B
Budget Allocation 2017 : $237B ( Note 2016 : $224B , 2015 : $230B , 2014 : $228B )
Education : $53B
The military sector : $50B
Health services and social development : $32B
Units of public programs : $29B
Security and administrative areas sector : $26B
Basic equipment and the transportation sector : $14B
Municipal services : $13B
Economic resources sector : $13B
Public administration sector : $7B
Private Sector :
Number of businesses : 1.9 Million
Number of big businesses ( More than 50 employees ) : 48K
Number of public companies : 160
Number of investors : 4.6M
High demand jobs (shortage skills) : ( Opportunity for online & offline education companies , recruiters , outsourcing )
- Human Resources
- Finance
- Accounting
- Marketing and Sales
- Media and PR
- Engineering
- Technology : Computer Science , Information Technology and E-commerce .
- Health Care : Nursing , Medicine , Pharmacy , Medical Technology
- Basic Sciences : mathematics, physics , chemistry, biology.
- Other disciplines : law , insurance
- Agriculture
- Housing
- Transport
- Oil and Gas
- Power Water and Electricity
- Renewable Energy *
- Information and communication technology *
- Education *
- Entrepreneurship and SMEs programs *
- Sharing economy such as Uber ( Create up to 100K jobs , Sometimes support and invest , Saudi Government invested $3.5B in Uber ) *
- Retail and wholesale trade ( Create up to 800K jobs , Sometimes support and invest , Alabbar, Saudi PIF to Set Up $1 Billion E-Commerce Firm ) *
- Tourism and hospitality (10M~13M visitors every year , Create up to 1.3M new jobs) *
- Finance *
- Healthcare *
- Mining and metals ( Create up to 500K jobs )
- Petrochemicals
- Manufacturing
- Construction
Feel free to contact me if you are looking for start new business or expand your business in Saudi and MENA region :